Excel – Strange behavior of left arrow key in Excel 2010

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2010

When I press the left arrow to return to column A – it will not stop at column A but will continue to wrap around to the end (column XEP or something huge like that). How do I make it stop when it gets to A?

Thank you I understand the home key. Let me restate my question. For example I am at cell number BH21 and for what I'm working on I need to use the left scroll button to move quickly along the row until I reach A column. My problem is that moving that quickly the left arrow button doesn't stop when it reaches A column but just keeps going and wraps around to the very end column XEP21 or whatever the end is. I was already using the spreadsheet with no problem then after modifying a few things this occurred.

Best Answer

I’m not 100% sure what you want to learn.  If you want to know how to get to Column A in the current row, try just pressing Home.

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