Stop Thumbs.db files in certain folders


I'm a big fan of folder+file thumbnailing, so I'm all for thumbs.db files.

However, I'm working on a Git project, so every time I commit my git folder to the online repository, some thumbs.db files get uploaded too. This is incredibly annoying, both for me and my co-workers, as we want to see the project files, not some thumbnail file that have no effect once they are off my hard drive.

I've read about turning them off. But I'd like to keep them on in places, so I can quickly see the thumbnails of my photos, for example.

Can I turn the thumbnail cache off in just one directory, so I can keep my project clear of them?

Best Answer

You can simply add


to your .gitignore. This will keep the files in place on your local file system, but Git won't add them, or commit, for that matter.

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