Stop PowerPoint from cropping images that I drag into placeholders


I am making Master Slides in PowerPoint with place holders in a custom layout. However, when I create new slides with that layout, images I insert into the placeholders are cropped off. I want my image scaled to fit the placeholder while maintaing its proportions (it doesnt need to fill the entire placholder). I'm using PowerPoint 2007 in Windows XP.

Best Answer

The behavior is buried in the "Crop" ribbon menu. When you place a photo in most containers in PowerPoint 2010+ (I believe, definitely 2013 and 2016), the default is to "Fill" as much container as possible, cropping stuff that doesn't fit the aspect ratio of the container.

Change to "Fit" to fit all of the image in the container at all times, leaving white space where it does not fill excess space.

Click the down arrow below "Crop" on the ribbon/toolbar, and the two selections are at the bottom.

PowerPoint Crop to Fit vs Fill

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