Start gnu screen automatically


I want to start gnu screen automatically when I login to my remote machine via ssh, so I add

exec screen

to the end of the .bash_profile file, then I find out that when I terminate the screening, my connection to the ssh host is also closed immediately. How can I avoid this?

In case that I want to resume a screen (e.g. named 'old-screen'), because I start screening every time when I login, I face a situation that I am attached to 'new-screen' and I want to reattach to the 'old-screen'. If I just

screen -r old-screen

I find myself in a recursive screen, and I can not navigate within 'old-screen' because all the shortcut key are received by 'new-screen'. If I try to quit the current screen, my connect to the remote machine will also be lost immediately.

Any solution to it?

Best Answer

Instead of using screen -r which tries to resume a screen session, you can use screen -R which tries to resume a screen session and creates a new one if one doesn't exist.

   -r []
   -r sessionowner/[]
        resumes  a detached screen session.  No other options (except com-
        binations with -d/-D) may be specified, though an optional  prefix
        of  [pid.]  may  be needed to distinguish between multiple
        detached screen sessions.  The second form is used to  connect  to
        another  user's  screen session which runs in multiuser mode. This
        indicates that screen should look for sessions in  another  user's
        directory. This requires setuid-root.

   -R   attempts to resume the first detached screen session it finds.  If
        successful, all other command-line options  are  ignored.   If  no
        detached  session exists, starts a new session using the specified
        options, just as if -R had not been specified. The option  is  set
        by default if screen is run as a login-shell (actually screen uses
        "-xRR" in that case).  For combinations with the -d/-D option  see

Personally I tend to use screen -DRA.

   -D -R   Attach here and now. In detail this means: If a session is run-
           ning, then reattach. If necessary detach  and  logout  remotely
           first.   If  it  was not running create it and notify the user.
           This is the author's favorite.
   -A      Adapt  the  sizes of all windows to the size of the current termi-
           nal.  By default, screen tries to restore  its  old  window  sizes
           when  attaching  to  resizable  terminals  (those with "WS" in its
           description, e.g. suncmd or some xterm).
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