Linux – SSH tunneling for bypassing firewall (http and socks)


I'm having problems setting up the following:

I am on Linux on machine LOCAL (my notebook).

I ssh into a company machine REMOTE which is behind a firewall and ONLY allows incoming ssh connections (port 22), no outbound connections whatsoever. I do have full root access on both, LOCAL and REMOTE, REMOTE is however a VPS and behind a hardware firewall.

I now need network access on REMOTE (HTTP and other protocols) for downloading and building some software. I also need to access to NON HTTP protocols such as git.

I was hoping to set up a reverse SSH tunnel for using my LOCAL machine, where I could be running a socks server. So that network access on REMOTE would be redirected over the SSH tunnel to a socks server running on machine LOCAL.

How would I go about setting something like this up?


Best Answer

This turned out to be much easier than I thought, what I was doing wrong was trying to do everything with one single command (which should actually be possible, given that I only need to run commands on LOCAL).

The only thing that needed to be done was 1) setting up a reverse tunnel between LOCAL and REMOTE, and then starting dynamic port forwarding on LOCAL.

I have now working internet access on REMOTE which is tunneled through LOCAL, socks applications are set up to use the forwarded port, which redirects to the dynamic port forwarding running on LOCAL.

LOCAL:> ssh -D SOCKS_PORT local_user@localhost -p LOCAL_SSH_PORT


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