SSH tunnel to MS SQL Server works with PuTTY but not from ssh command line

puttysql serversshssh-tunnel

I'm trying to create an SSH tunnel to MS SQL Server from my Windows 10 local computer. When I create a tunnel with PuTTY, it works flawlessly. But when I create the same tunnel in command line (OpenSSH_for_Windows_9.1p1, LibreSSL 3.6.1) like this

ssh -i ecdsa_id -L 1433: user@remote

the tunnel is created, but the connection to the DB is not possible (error "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]TCP Provider: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it."). On the server, in sshd log there is absolutely no communication. If I create the same command line tunnel for MySQL (or any other service running on the server) it works as expected, connection attempts appear in the sshd log.

I've tried a lot of different settings, different ports, any advice I could find, but nothing helps.

Does anyone know what PuTTY does differently, that its tunnel works and command line ssh does not, or what should I try to get it working? Thank you.

Best Answer

OMG, after three days of trying virtually every possible setting I have just found out, what the problem was. My PDO connection string looked like this


and it worked with PuTTY created tunnel but NOT with ssh command line. Now it occurred to me, that I can try


and everything works as expected.

Strangely enough, PDO driver for MySql works with "localhost"


regardless of what method I use to create a tunnel.

I tried to ping localhost and it resolves to "::1" (IPv6) which I guess is the reason why it didn't work. PuTTY probably has this covered.

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