SSH SFTP: transfer local directory to remote server


I can't seem to transfer a simple local folder to a remote server via SFTP or SSH. I feel like the issue has to do with absolute paths or home directories, but here's what I've tried:

scp -r /Applications/MAMP/rest/of/path
rsync -az --progress --stats -e ssh /Applications/MAMP/rest/of/path

All I keep getting is a 'no such file or directory' in reference to the local path.. I dragged n dropped the local folder path into terminal, but while already logged into ssh – would that make any difference? last few hours stuck in a matrix..

Best Answer

scp is plain and simple, if you have rsync, use it, its a lot smarter.

also, drop the -e ssh , as its the default.

i assume you already check the permissions for the correct users in boths sides, so i recommend you first CD the origin directory and run the rsync from there

cd /Applications/MAMP/rest/of/path 
ls -l     # to confirm you are on the right place
rsync -avz --progress --stats  .
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