SSH config: setting initial directory after login


Is it possible, for each host, to set initial directory where shell would cd into when logged in? (not home)

For example, I have a snippet in ~/.ssh/config

Host mybusiness
User plone

And now I can ssh to this host with ssh mybusiness command, but always the first task I need to do is to type in the command cd /srv/www

Best Answer

I don't think that's possible, but you could config your shell's init script at the server. If you use bash at the server, you could add this line to the end of ~/.bashrc at the server:

cd /my/initial/dir

Another option is to create a small script on your client for starting SSH-connections, which will run a remote command after login:

# This is the file "/home/myuser/bin/myssh":
ssh $1 "cd /my/initial/dir"

Run it like this:

# myssh mybusiness
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