SQL Server Management Studio – First Time Setup

sqlsql server

I'm on Windows 7 and using free version of SQL Server Management Studio. I try connecting to DB server for the first time. I run the program as administrator.

I go to Connect > Database Engine and get a prompt.

Server name: (local)
Authentication: Windows Authentication
User name (greyed out): PC\ABC
Password (greyed out): 

Click Connect and I get:

Cannot connect to (local). Additional information: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while while establishing a connection to SQL Server.

I'm reading MSDN for the past hour which is of course very frustrating and it makes me want to pull my hair out.

Best Answer

to prevent further loss of hair: when you use the free Sql server, called SqlServer Express, the server field needs to be this:


the . is shorthand for local, and the \SqlExpress is the instance name. Bit of an advanced topic, you can run mulitiple SqlServers each having their own name.

more info: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/sqldataaccess/thread/e791233e-f805-48b9-82cb-c19da03fbe61/

Good luck with Sql!

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