Excel – Splitting data into multiple series’ in Excel Graph


I have data from a csv formatted as such:

StartTime  EndTime  Duration  Type
---------  -------  --------  ----
43:04.7    43:06.9  2200      long
43:06.9    43:08.7  1825      middle
43:08.7    43:09.6  905       short
43:09.6    43:11.9  2231      long
43:11.9    43:13.7  1794      middle
43:13.7    43:14.5  796       short

There are several thousand more rows.

I want a line graph with StartTime as the X-axis, duration as the Y-axis, and 3 separate lines: one each for long, middle, and short.

Can Excel do this with this dataset or do I have to reformat it? What is the best way of making this graph?

Best Answer

You can add three formulas next to your data, and plot these columns

Assuming data is in columns A:D, starting in row 3

add labels to cells E1, F1, G1 = long, middle, short

add formulas to cells

E3:  =IF($D:$D=E$1,$C:$C,NA())

F3:  =IF($D:$D=F$1,$C:$C,NA())

G3:  =IF($D:$D=G$1,$C:$C,NA())

copy down for as may rows as you have, and plot columns E, F, G

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