Can GMail Be Used as a Spam Filter? – Email Spam Prevention


I'm getting at least 50 Viagra ads a day and it's driving me insane.

I currently have a hosted MS Exchange account and a Gmail account. My Gmail account forwards to my Exchange account. Both of my addresses are used evenly, and it has been really nice to have all of my e-mail end up in my Exchange box. I like replying from one address consistently, which is my Exchange address.

Spam sent to my Gmail address is always caught, where spam sent to my Exchange is getting passed straight through to me. I don't want to have two spam filtration systems that have quarantines that I need to check frequently for false positives.

Here is my question:

Can I setup my MX records such that all e-mail sent to my Exchange address is forwarded to my Gmail account, which will then forward it to my Exchange account? Kind of like using Gmail as the middle man.

Best Answer

Look into the Postini services from Google.

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