MS Office – Adjust Spacing Around Negative Sign in Equation Editor

equation editor

If I want to indicate a negative number in the Equation Editor (Office 2007 and onward), I do this:


Equation Editor renders it nicely, with the hyphen (minus sign?) right close to the number:

negative five

But if I've got something more complicated, like a vector in polar notation:


I get this:

enter image description here

Which looks more like "twenty five angle minus five degrees" rather than "negative five degrees".

Is there any way to fix this?

Best Answer

The closest solution to this problem that I found is to use "Normal text" mode. Either select the minus sign and press "Normal text" in equation constructor, or put it as "-"5 instead of simply -5

The result will look like this:

enter image description here

You can probably bind it to some macro too, but I have no experience with VBA to recommend anything.