Excel – sort numbers and numbers+text together in Excel

microsoft excelsorting

I am trying to sort an Excel sheet based on a column that has a mix of:

  • 3 digit numbers (such as 404)
  • 3 digit numbers with non-numeric characters appended (such as 802b)
  • non-numeric text (such as none or ?)

Excel sorts the plain numbers first, then the rest are sorted together, with the numbers+text in between punctuation marks and alpha characters.

I want the numbers and the numbers+text interleaved. But applying Format > Text to the column does nothing. How do I force it to sort numbers as text?

Best Answer

Alphabetical order: Numeric, Alphanumeric, Alpha.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 2a, 3Regy, 4a, 6Alpha, Alpha,

If you prefer 2a to follow 2, then you need to add a space. Adding a space signifies a second grouping. Hyphenated names (words) are last.

1, 10, 2, 2 a, 2-a, 3, 3Regy, 4, 4a, 5, 6Alpha, Alpha

Further: 5 Alpha, 5Alpha, 5-Alpha, 6 Alpha, 6Alpha, Alpha, Alpha 6, Alpha5, Alpha6, Alpha-6,

Or use a Zero for place holder: 01, 02, 02a, 10

Or keep the length uniform: 001, 002, 02a, 030

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