Windows – Some Unicode Alt-Codes Not Working


Here is a list of all special Hungarian characters:

ALT-0193 Á   ALT-0225 á
ALT-0201 É   ALT-0233 é
ALT-0205 Í   ALT-0237 í
ALT-0211 Ó   ALT-0214 Ö   ALT-0336 Ő
ALT-0243 ó   ALT-0246 ö   ALT-0337 ő
ALT-0218 Ú   ALT-0220 Ü   ALT+0368 Ű
ALT-0250 ú   ALT-0252 ü   ALT+0369 ű

All are working with Alt+NUMPAD except the third column. I get ordinary P, Q, p and q letters instead of the letters given. What is the reason for this? What code should I input if I want to reach them?

Best Answer

RonK answered the first part of your question. The answer to the second part of your question is, as Microsoft and George Hernandez explain, to type + (on the numeric keypad) and then the hexadecimal value of the Unicode (UCS-16) character, all whilst holding the Alt key down. As George Hernandez writes, this mechanism is not enabled by default, and must be manually enabled after installing Windows.

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