Windows 10 – Programs Won’t Start/Install Without Running as Administrator

uacwindows 10windows-10-upgrade

After upgrading my Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10 Pro I'm having trouble when trying to install certain programs (e.g. PyCharm, JRE) without right clicking the .exe and selecting "Run as Administrator".
Also, certain programs won't start if I don't run them as an administrator (e.g. Dropbox).
I should mention that my user is an Administrator on my machine, and that this issue occurs on all my machines which were upgraded from Windows 7, but not on my machines on which I performed a fresh install of Windows 10.

Tried to entirely disable UAC (through Windows' registry), this solves the problems above, but then I fail to run Windows Metro apps (such as calc.exe 🙂 )

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

OK, found the source of the problem. I found out that the local temp folder (C:\Users[MY_USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Temp) was owned by SYSTEM instead of my username, and it didn't have any READ/WRITE/EXECUTE permissions assigned to my user. Adding full control permissions to my user solved the problem.

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