Windows 10 – Setting Up Software RAID

raidwindows 10

I have always had a hardware RAID 5, but recently lost tons of data due to a drive loss, even after recovery steps.

I am trying to set up a RAID 1 on 3 drives, and I do not see the option "Add Mirror" which I saw on many How-tos.

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(Click images to enlarge)

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Here is when attempting to click on a simple volume and no volume.

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EDIT 2 Fun fact, I booted off my Windows 7 and attempted the same thing … THERE IT IS!

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EDIT 2016: Windows 10 Home Edition does not have support for most Raid setups. It's recommended to use Storage Spaces but if you get Windows 10 Pro or higher it will have the Raid support I wanted.

Best Answer

It is not surprising that Microsoft has lowered support for software RAID, as since Windows 8 it has incorporated a more advanced RAID technology that is called Storage Spaces. Microsoft always phases-out older technology in favor of newer one. If you really want the classic RAID, you'll need the Pro or Enterprise editions of Windows 10.

Storage Spaces are volumes rendered upon spanned pools utilizing multiple drives, in effect the same as RAID, just much easier to set up.

Here are a couple of references from the thousands that you can find on the Web:

If you are multi-booting Windows 10 and Windows 7, beware - Windows 7 will not understand Storage Spaces.


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