How to Fix Slow Windows 10 Booting and Performance Issues

performancewindows 10

My system configuration is the following:

Processor: Intel Core(TM) i7-4500U CPU @1.80GZ 2.40GZ
RAM: 16.0 GB (14.8 GB usable)
System TYpe: x64-based processor.

I'm using Dell Inspirion. Running on Windows 10 and is just 2 years old. The age didn't affect the performance drastically.

But the system booting, performance is extremely slow. I don't know how I can capture "slowness" in any metric. So not putting it here.

My question is why my system is slow, even though I've very good specifications? And how I can improve the performance?


Please find the screenshot of startup:

enter image description here


Dell System Test Result:

Dell Hardware Test:

enter image description here

Resource Monitor:

enter image description here
System Report

Best Answer

After I loaded the ETL into WPA.exe, I clicked on Profile-> Apply, "browse catalog" and select the file FullBoot.Boot.wpaprofile I saw this overview

enter image description here

Boot to desktop is done in 79 seconds, and Winlogon-Phase and ExplorerInit are slow:

What Happens in This Subphase
The WinLogonInit subphase begins when SMSSInit completes and starts Winlogon.exe. During WinLogonInit, the user logon screen appears, the service control manager starts services, and Group Policy scripts run. WinLogonInit ends when the Explorer process starts.

Visual Cues WinLogonInit begins shortly before the logon screen appears. It ends just before the desktop appears for the first time.

WinLogonInit Performance Vulnerabilities Many operations occur in parallel during WinLogonInit. On many systems, this subphase is CPU bound and has large I/O demands. Good citizenship from the services that start in this phase is critical for optimized boot times. Services can declare dependencies or use load order groups to ensure that they start in a specific order. Windows processes load order groups in serial order. Service initialization delays in an early load order group block subsequent load order groups and can possibly block the boot process .

ExplorerInit Subphase

What Happens in This Subphase

The ExplorerInit subphase begins when Explorer.exe starts. During ExplorerInit, the system creates the desktop window manager (DWM) process, which initializes the desktop and displays it for the first time. This phase is CPU intensive. The initialization of DWM and desktop occurs in the foreground, while in the background the service control manager (SCM) starts services and the memory manager prefetches code and data. On most systems ExplorerInit is CPU bound, and timing issues are likely the result of a simple resource bottleneck.

Visual Cues
ExplorerInit begins just before the desktop appears for the first time. There is no clear visual cue to indicate the end of ExplorerInit.

Looking at the CPU Usage (Sampled) shows no bottleneck:

enter image description here

so, check the disk and here you have the bootleneck of the system:

enter image description here

As you can see the disk is most of the time complete busy. Your WDC WD10JPVX-75JC3T0 is a 5400rpm drive which is not fast to handle all IO requests that occur during boot and later starting all startup tools.

You can do a temporary speedup of boot with xbootmgr, but to fix the slowness replace the ugly slow WD drive with a SSD like the Samsung 850 EVO

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