Skype status always appears offline for one user


I have one Skype contact who always appears to be offline, even when he's online. We've chatted regularly over Skype for years without any issues, except for the fact that he always appears to be offline to me. He can see when I'm online, and other people can see when he's online, but I can't.

He's not trying to hide from me. We've tried and failed to get this working on a few different occasions.

Best Answer

Tonight we managed to fix this. Here's what we did:

  1. We both removed each other from our contacts.

  2. He added me back as a contact.

  3. I accepted his invitation, agreeing to let hem see me when I'm online.

Both of us removing each other seemed to be the key. When only one of us removed the other, it didn't fix the issue, but when we both removed each other and then he re-added me, he finally appeared to be online.

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