Skype + 2 headsets on one computer


I want to make this work:
– 1 computer
– 1 skype account
– 2 headsets (for 2 people)

It's for making conference call with 2 computers but with 3 people (2 of them in the same computer under 1 skype account).

How I can do this?

Best Answer

You should get 2 audio splitters - one for the headphone slot and one for the mic slot.

Then connect both the headphone connectors to the splitter which is inserted in the headphone slot, and both the mic connectors to the splitter which is inserted in the mic slot.

This will allow you to have 2 headphone sets connected to your computer at the same time.

I use this for my current computer for skype so I know its possible.

This is what it looks like:

alt text

This model is better if the space between your headphone and mic port is small

Or this seems to be more flexible:

alt text