Excel – Show cell selection in Excel when not in focus

microsoft excel

It's really annoying that Excel (2003 and 2007) doesn't show what cell, row
or column that is selected when the window is not in focus. I typically want to
refer to the current cell or row while working in another application.

Is there any workaround or fix that will make the cell/row highlighted when not in focus?
I know that you can copy a cell (Ctrl+C) but it's kind of tiresome to do that every time.

Best Answer

I think there is a work around but, it really depends on your situation!

You can create a macro which fires when the selection changes and it simply changes the background of each cell. When you 'leave' the cell it will reset the row's background value to white and then select the new row.

I added this to my Sheet1 in the Visual Basic window.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
    ActiveCell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 34
End Sub

This screen shot was taken while the application had lost focus.

This may be annoying but you could easily add a button which could toggle this feature on or off!

The negatives are (from top of my head : It will remove any current highlighting you have. So if you have highlighting on your page (cells coloured) then best not use this! Also, it will probably print with the highlighted rows!

enter image description here

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