MacBook Pro – Should It Be Put to Sleep or Shut Down Daily?



I have this Mac Book Pro 3.06 GHz.

Coming from Windows Laptops I'm use to ALWAYS as ritual no matter what, shutdown the operating system. I have this feeling of not doing so affects the performance in the long run.

My friend who have used Mac for about 10 yrs or so jut put down the lid and just recently I've heard from others who haven't shutdown their MBP for months.

Still I have this strong feeling.

Is it ok to just put down the lid at the end of the day and leave it like that?

Best Answer

I have a 2 year old 3rd Generation Macbook. I have only ever rebooted the machine when a Software Update or install requires it which is fairly rare, and when I used Bootcamp, which I have since removed. I have only had the battery completely die on me once.

Recently I noticed that my battery is only charging to 96% capacity, but considering the use this is fairly standard. I still get 4-5 hours on a battery however, which is more then enough for my needs.

Not to mention how impressive it is when opening the lid and already typing before any other machine around me has even started coming out of sleep mode.

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