Windows 7 – Shortcut to Screen Resolution Settings

hotkeysresolutionstart-menutaskbarwindows 7

I regularly have to access the Windows 7 "Screen resolution" setting on a netbook with many full-screen windows open, often with bogged down CPUs.

These are the usual necessary steps I have to perform:

  • alt-tab to the desktop
  • right-click on the desktop
  • choose "Screen resolution"
  • from the "Multiple displays" dropdown select "Show desktop only on 2"
  • click on OK

Is there a way to access this setting instead from the start menu, the task bar, or a hotkey? Even better is there a way to make the "Show desktop only on 2" action directly from one of those places?

Best Answer

If you just want to change which display you use, rather than each display's resolution, you can cycle between the display options when using multiple monitors with the Win + P hotkey.

Or (if you want to change screen resolution):

You can directly access the Display > Screen Resolution page by typing:


in the Windows search bar, and selecting the top result (should be Adjust screen resolution). You'll still have to disable or enable the screen of your choice though.

I'm sure there's a trick for getting autohotkey to do it as well, but it evades me.