Windows – Shell&ServicesEngine 3.0.3 Malware


For a while now, I have this weird malware program on my computer which keeps reinstalling itself every once in awhile. It shows up in the installed programs list as Shell&ServicesEngine 3.0.3. It causes various problems on my computer such as hiding the buttons bar on StackExchange sites, blocking some applications from accessing the Internet and it also sometimes closes my Google Chrome. The later it might try to steal my passwords since it's required to close the browser before reading the passwords file. Due to Google's weak security, it's possible to retrieve the passwords programmatically on the same machine.

It can be uninstalled manually but surprise, it doesn't stay that way and keeps coming back. I already installed AVAST!, Avira and ran MalwareBytes but they didn't succeed in removing or detecting the malware. On the Internet I also didn't find anything useful regarding this junk application. What should I try to get rid of it? Just the weird problems and this weird application visible under Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features are a clear indication that something isn't right.

I think I figured out the location of the application:

Also its task name is NetworkAnalyserService. It also ran another process called Netman. After terminating both, the issues causes are temporarily gone (the buttons bar for example loads again).

Best Answer

I finally managed to get rid of this malware by using RegScanner and deleting ALL registry keys containing the String Shell&ServicesEngine as well as uninstalling the program and deleting the Windows Service entries for it. Finally rebooted the machine.

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