Shell – Run shell script at startup (Kali Linux)


This seems like a very basic thing to do, and I have even followed a few tutorials to get a simple script to be run at startup, but to no avail.

Here is what my script, which is in the root directory, looks like:

#! /bin/bash
xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc
echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/iso_layout

The script basically changes my keymap, by switching control and command keys (as I'm on a macbook). It has been chmod'ed to be executable, so that it executes successfully when I do ./ or I do /root/

I have followed these simple tutorials and

So, I have copied the shell script to /etc/init.d and did this also update-rc.d defaults 100

I even tried setting up crontab in a similar way, by adding @reboot /root/ , but nothing works! Whenever I reboot, my keymap remains the same. :/

Would be grateful if someone could help me out here, thanks!

Best Answer

I'm not really familiar with Kali, but as I remember it does have systemd installed.

So, systemd is a good thing and I think it fits to your problem. Using it is easy and is a common thing used widely in practice.

Here you can read more about it. Basically you need to add a service config to your service scripts, which runs your script, and you're done. If you need an example, feel free to ask.

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