Shell – Remove all characters appearing before a certain string in PowerShell


I have a text file with the following information:


I need to remove all characters thatĀ appear before
For my file, it looks like this:,,

I'm using the Poweshell to do this, but without success.

Best Answer

A lot of it will depend on how consistent your data will be. There will be a multitude of methods. You could do it with a split:

$test = '24.;128.32.;128,6;0.128.68.;128,1.;0.76.;;;;;0,1.;0.4.;0,2.;0.5.;0,4.;;;0.76.;128,;;;;;;;;,,'
$partIWant = $test.Split(';')[$($test.Split(';').Count-1)]

You could use a regex as well:

$partIWant = $test -replace '.+(\d+.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+,\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+,)', '$1'

You will need to pick the method that you want to use and craft it to the specific data that you will be working with.

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