Shell – ksh Auto-Completion PuTTY Configuration


I'm having a bit of a problem configuring my PuTTY client to work with the auto-completion feature in the ksh shell.

I do a listing on the root with the directories /home and /homeroot and it returns the directories in a list just fine. I can't select it, though, by hitting X = (where X is the number).

/home/nitrodist>ls /h        #hits esc + =
1) home/
2) homeroot/
                             #hits 2 + = for the 'homeroot' dir
1) home/
2) homeroot/
                             #hits just the '=' key.
1) home/
2) homeroot/

Any ideas? I've su -'d to another user who can actually do it with their PuTTY session and I can't do it there, which makes me think it's a PuTTY configuration issue. This is running on a ksh93 shell on HP-UX, if that makes any difference.

Here's my ksh config:

/home/campbelm>set -o
Current option settings
allexport        off
bgnice           on
emacs            off
errexit          off
gmacs            off
ignoreeof        off
interactive      on
keyword          off
markdirs         off
monitor          on
noexec           off
noclobber        off
noglob           off
nolog            off
notify           off
nounset          off
privileged       off
restricted       off
trackall         off
verbose          off
vi               on
viraw            on
xtrace           off

Best Answer

It doesn't have anything to do with PuTTY.


Esc = then 2 Esc =


Tab Tab then 2 Tab

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