Shell – Convert ppt to jpg


I am using an Ubuntu system. I want to convert ppt or pptx to jpg using terminal commands.

I have libreOffice and ImageMagick installed in my system. I am successfully converting pdf to jpgs using the following command in the terminal –

convert xxx.pdf somefile.jpg

But when i give the first parameter as a ppt it throws off the following error –

convert: no decode delegate for this image format xxx.ppt' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/533.
convert: missing an image filename
somefile.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2940.

Please help.

Best Answer

In this answer to a related question it's explained that one way to transform from ppt to pdf from the command line is through unoconv.

Hence, to convert from ppt to jpg you could use something like this:

unoconv <filename>.ppt <filename>.pdf
convert <filename>.pdf <filename>.jpg

where is the name of the file you want to convert without the extension.

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