Ubuntu Remote Desktop – How to Setup Ubuntu for Remote Access

remote desktopUbuntu

I have a ubuntu machine that is not ideal to work directly on the machine as there is no monitor,mouse, keyboard usually connected to it. So I have VNC on it so I can remote access it from my desk. I have it set to auto log into my user so I can reconnect after a restart. But it comes up saying:

Enter password to unlock your login

And I cannot VNC into it until I manually go over, hook up a keyboard, etc., enter my password.

Is there a way to set this up so I can remote access without having to go get on the machine and enter my password first?

Best Answer

Rather than VNC, I highly recommend using the free NoMachine remote desktop system. It's more secure -- the connection is established via SSH authentication, with your username & password on the linux machine. It also removes the requirement for the server to auto-log-in -- it can just boot up to the login screen, and your NoMachine session happens in the background.

Download page is here -- you need to install the debs for "NX Free Edition For Linux" on the server (all three packages that it provides, in alphabetical order -- client, node, and then server package). And then you need to install "NX Client for Windows" on your windows machine.

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