Sed: extracting value of a key-value pair in a URL query string

command lineparsingsedurl

I am trying to use sed to extract the value part of one of the many key-value pairs in a URL's query string

This is what I am trying:

echo '' | sed 's@^https?://(www.)?\\?)?.*?v(=|/)([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*)(&.*)?$@$4@'

but it always outputs the input URL as is.

What am I doing wrong?

Update 1

To clarify some issues:

  1. The regex is more complicated than it has to be because I am also trying to check the validity of the input and generate the output only if the input is valid. So a stricter match.
  2. The desired output is the value of the key 'v' in the query string.
  3. Have been unable to find the version of sed that I am using, but it's the one that comes with Mac OS X (10.7.5).
  4. In my version of sed $1, $2 etc. seem to be the matches, \1, \2 etc. give the error:
    sed: 1: "s@^https?://(www.)?yout ...": \4 not defined in the RE Not correct! as I found out later. Apologies for causing the confusion.

Update 2

Have updated the sed RE to make it more specific based on suggestion by @slhck below, but the issue remains as before.

Update 3

Based on the man page for this version of sed it appears that this is a BSD-flavoured version.

Best Answer

Even simpler, if you just want the abc:

 echo '' | awk -F'[=&]' '{print $2}'

If you want the xyz :

echo '' | awk -F'[=&]' '{print $4}'


  • awk : is a scripting language that automatically processes input files line by line, splitting each line into fields. So, when you process a file with awk, for each line, the first field is $1, the second $2 etc up to $N. By default awk uses blanks as the field separator.

  • -F'[=&]' : -F is used to change the field delimiter from spaces to something else. In this case, I am giving it a class of characters. Square brackets ([ ]) are used by many languages to denote groups of characters. So, specifically, -F'[=&]' means that awk should use both & and = as field delimiters.

  • Therefore, given the input string from your question, using & and = as delimiters, awk will read the following fields:
    |----------- $1 -------------| --- - ---      
                                    |  |  |
                                    |  |  ̣----- $4
                                    |  -------- $3
                                    ----------- $2

    So, all you need to do is print whichever one you want {print $4}.

You said you also want to check that the string is a valid youtube URL, you can't do that with sed since if it does not match the regex you give it, it will simply print the entire line. You can use a tool like Perl to only print if the regex matches:

echo '' | 
  perl -ne 's/http.*\/watch\?v=(.+?)&.+/$1/ && print'

Finally, to simply print abc you can use the standard UNIX tool cut:

echo '' | 
  cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d '&' -f 1
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