Search for specific key word and replace entire cell contents with something else in LibreOffice Calc

find and replacelibreoffice-calc

I would like to be able to search for a specific word, lets say "House" in a calc sheet, and then replace the entire cell content with something else like "Car".

It is important to notice, that the Find & Replace function does exactly this, but only with the word searched for, not with the entire cell contents.

So if I have a cell with the following content:

wefjweoi House dee88wef 4

I want to search for "House" find this cell, and replace the cell content with lets say the word "Car".

So the cell will look like this:


Is this possible?

Best Answer

Just execute a regex search: In the Find & Replace dialogue, open Other Options... and enable Regular Expressions. Then, in the search field, enter .*House.*; replace with Car. Now, since the regex pattern matches the whole cell content containing House, the complete cell content is replaced by Car.

enter image description here

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