Windows – Scheduled tasks in Windows Server 2016 don’t run after being disabled then enabled

windows task schedulerwindows-server-2016

I am having a problem with the Task Scheduler on Windows Server 2016 not running repetitive tasks after they are disabled and re-enabled.

I create a task with a “Triggers->Start” of five minutes in the future and set the task to run every five minutes. The “Settings->Run task as soon as possible after scheduled start is missed” option is checked.

Everything works fine – task runs at the scheduled Start time and then runs every five minutes.

Disable the task and wait more than five minutes.

Enable the task, it does not run again.

The Next Run time continues to update every five minutes but the task does not run and the Last Run Time is never updated.

There are no entries in the Task History once the task is re-enabled and no events in the Windows event logs.

When the start time is hit on the next day the task starts running again but this is not desirable as there can be a long delay between when the task is re-enabled and the start time comes again.

Best Answer

The task was set to run every day and repeat either indefinitely or daily. I changed it to Run Once and repeat indefinitely and it resumes execution when the task is enabled after having been disabled.

I think this works because When set up this way the scheduler displays "After triggered, repeat every 5 minutes indefinitely." So once the task is triggered it remains in the "triggered" state even when disabled so once enabled again it resumes running on the schedule.

NOTE: when first setting up the task the start time needs to be set in the future so that the task is triggered for the first time.

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