Scheduled task last result 0xff


Where can I find the meaning of 0xff in the scheduled task last result field?

Best Answer

Of course, sometimes you will have to check the command documentations for errors from specific commands.

But with whatever information I know, I have explained the same as given below :-

The return codes are in hexadecimal. You can convert them to decimal with a hex mode calculator or if you are using NT/W2k/XP, by using "set /a 0xff" or by simple multiplication.

Multiply the second last number by 16 and add the last number where A-F represents decimal 10-15 e.g. 0xB3 = 11*16+3 = 179.

0x0 = 0 = no error 0xff = 255 = More than 154 files failed to copy or ^C batch exit or possibly scheduled task failed to run. 0x68 = 104 = 4 files failed to copy 0x67 = 103 = 3 files failed to copy etc, etc,.


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