Running Remote SSH Commands with Spaces – Guide


I am trying to run a remote script in windows over ssh, and I cannot figure out how to handle the quotes. (Both host and client are windows machines.) This is the statement which works fine on the host machine:

C:\> python "C:\folder path\"

I have looked seemingly everywhere, and tried seemingly everything, but I cannot get this to work:

C:\> ssh user@ipaddress "python ""C:\folder path\"""
python: can't open file 'C:\folder': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

I have tried using double quotes, I have tried single quotes, I have tried '\' as an escape character, I have tried '^', and nothing seems to pass the string correctly. Any help?!

A user suggested I use '-v' with ssh to track the path. Doing that, it looks like the double quotes actually do what I expect, but somehow the host machine misinterprets the command, and objects to the space. Not sure why…

To be clear, using this:

C:\> ssh -v user@ipaddress "python ""C:\folder path\"""

I see this in the results:

debug1: Sending command: python "C:\folder path\"
python: can't open file 'C:\folder': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

AGAIN, to be more clear, this command works PERFECTLY when I am phsyically at the host machine:

C:\> python "C:\folder path\"

So, I am unclear why/where this is getting screwed up. Thanks for any help, you all have helped immensely thus far.

Best Answer

I found this worked for me, although it was not related to paths, but services:

ssh username@ipaddress 'net start \"TightVNC Server\"'
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