Running a persistent irc client over ssh


I'm looking on advice on how to run a persistent IRC client from a server and allowing me to connect from different computers.

I want the IRC client to always stay connected, even when I'm bringing my laptop from work to home. I would prefer to run the client on my laptop, proxying over the server. Is this possible?

An alternative is to ssh into the server and tmux the connection, but then I would need to use a non-graphical IRC client?

thank you for advice.

Best Answer

I've got 3 suggestions, I think you'll like number 2. best.

1. My preferred solution is to install 'screen' then run irssi inside. You can ssh in and reattach to the screen or....

Load the proxy module: You'll then be able to attach your preferred client.

In my opinion irssi is better than any gui.

2. However, I think you want Quassel. Its a graphical version. It lets you detach clients from the server as you want:

one (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core that stays permanently online -- much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat, and similar to (but much more featureful than) so-called BNCs

Re-attaching your client will show your IRC session in the same state as you left it in (plus whatever happened while you were gone), and this even when you re-attach from a different location.

(emphasis added)

3. And as it says, BNCs (bouncers) will let you attach any client to them, but will be much more limited in features, for example scrollback. Check out BNC/ZNC etc. etc.

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