Windows – Run software as admin user, but in the current user context

administratorrunaswindowswindows 7

Here is my situation: I have a single software that demands admin rights. That software needs to be run by commom users. Right-clicking and "Run as administrator" does not do the trick, therefore I used the runas application in order to run such software as another account that has admin rights, but logged as a common user. So the commom user will execute a .bat like this:

C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /profile /user:admin_user /savecred "path_to_software" 

The problem is, since I'm running the software as admin_user, I'm also inside his context. For example, when I try to save a file from inside that software, the "Save as" dialog will by default, open admin_user's folders, and not current user's folders. This also happens for the default printers and so on. Every aspect of the software that interacts with Windows, will be inside admin_user context.

What I need, is to run the software as admin_user (or with admin rights), but inside the context of the logged (current) user, so that when I open "Save as" dialog, for example, I get the current user folders, not admin_user folders. Is that even possible?

Best Answer

Use compatibility mode of Windows

it seems to do the trick you want

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