Robocopy launches and then hangs/just sits there


I'm setting up an archive process to store old files on an external hard drive. The computer in question is running Windows 7 Pro 32bit. We have a server folder with 150,000+ files in it, most of which are pretty small (below 200k). I'm trying to use robocopy in a batch file to do this. It was working fine the other day, now all it does upon launch is sit there. It shows me all the options and whatnot, and also lists the number of files in the directory and the directory itself, but it never gets past that line. If I switch the destination to the local C drive, it eventually starts copying files. Is there something in my batch file that needs to change? Or could there be a problem with the external Western Digital drive that I'm using? The WD drive currently is holding about 175,000 files. Here is the one line batch file I have:

    robocopy "\\cgifp01\Prepress\Public\ImportedPDF" "E:\OldFiles" *.* /R:2 /W:10 /MINAGE:15 /MOV /B /XJ /XF "blank_test.pdf"

Thanks for any tips or ideas.


Best Answer

if your destination E:\OldFiles already contains files, robocopy will scan them first to see what to do (overwrite with newer, leave them, ...) and then starts with the copy command. So if you have 150000 files in destination, it can take a while. if you would copy it to E:\OldFiles1, it would start immediatly as there are no files there yet.

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