How to Resize Partitions with GParted


When I installed linux, there was a program that ran during installation which allowed me to allocate space from my hard disk to create a new partition. I think this was the GNOME Partition Editor; gparted.

Essentially it resized the (one and only) partition on the disk (which happened to be NTFS), it moved files around to create a continuous free space for the creation of a new partition.

I want now to resize my partitions again using the same program, that is, gparted.

If I run this program normally from linux, I can't resize any partition; the resize buttons are disabled. What can I do about this? I've thought of the following:

  • Unmount all paritions first. This might enable resizing them, but could be dangerous, I don't want to try it without knowing the consequences first.
  • Run gparted from a live CD. This is the obvious solution, but a bit of a hassle, and you'd think there could be a better way.

What should I do?

Best Answer

run gparted from a live CD. it's not that much of a hassle, and it works with NTFS.

you shouldn't resize partitions on-the-fly from the running OS, even when unmounted, it's just asking for trouble

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