Replace foreign character codes in Notepad++

find and replacenotepad

I'm trying to edit a file with Swedish characters in Notepad++, but the Swedish characters when I view it in Unicode (was originally ANSI) show up as tiny black marks with parts of hex code in them, like xF6 for the Swedish character "ö".

How can I search and replace these hex marks with the actual characters?

Best Answer

  • Open the original file using it's original encoding of ANSI (AKA WinLatin1 CP1252)
  • Open the "encoding menu"
    • do NOT chose "Encode in UTF-8"
    • instead choose "Convert to UTF-8"
  • Save the file

I have tried this, it works for characters such as ÄØ which the "Encode in UTF-8" options shows as xC4xD8.