Rename tab from MinGW-console using ConEmu

cmdercommand lineconemugit-bashmingw

I'm using the cmder (ConEmu) with Git Bash-tabs (MinGW) and I want to rename the current tab with a console command. Within a cmd-Tab I can use cmd /c RenameTab "myTabName" but I a need a similar command for the Git Bash.

The reason for this is as follows: besides for Git I'm using the Git Bash for connecting to several servers using the ssh-command, opening ssh connections to multiple servers on multiple tabs. To maintain an overview on which server I am in which tab I have to rename each tab manually using a shortcut for the rename tab function in the cmder. My ultimate goal would be to use a script which would open a ssh Connection with the command "ssh serverxyz" and also renames the current tab to "serverxyz" at the same time.

Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

Use GuiMacro:

ConEmuC -GuiMacro Rename 0 "serverxyz"
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