Removing Sametime status from Lotus notes status


How do I remove the sametime status (online, away, etc) from the inbox and mail addresses?

Lotus notes Release 8.5.2FP2 SHF75

I don't want to remove sametime, as I use that, but I don't want the status on the mail, nor on the mail recipents.
I don't have access to the server, or the document templates, so I don't know if I would have to put this in as a special request to the IT department, or if there's something I can set up on my computer

Best Answer

According to this IBM technote, it can be set under File > Preferences > Sametime > Server Community > Options tab "Use this server for status lookup" but it does not work.

This actually worked for OP (running standard client), as outlined in this IBM note:

Edit plugin_customization.ini file located under \framework\rcp\plugin_customization.ini and insert line (for details please see IBM document)

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