Macos – Removing file with strange characters in filename in OS X


After a memory error in my program, I am stuck with a file with a strange filename. It's proving quite resistant to all normal methods to remove files with strange names.

The filename is:


I tried the following:

  • rm *
      No such file or directory
  • rm -- filename
      No such file or directory
  • rm "filename"
      No such file or directory
  • ls -i to get the inode number

      No such file or directory
  • stat filename
      No such file or directory
  • zip the directory that the file is in

      error occurred while adding "" to the archive
  • delete directory in finder
      error -43
  • in Python: os.unlink(os.listdir(u'.')[0])

      OSErrorNo such file or directory
  • find . -type f -exec rm {} \;

      No such file or directory
  • checked for locks on the file with lsof
      no locks

All these attempts result in a file (long filename here) not found error, or error -43. Even the ls -i.

I couldn't find any more options, so before reformatting or repairing my filesystem (fsck might help) I thought maybe there is something I missed.

I wrote this small C program to get the inode number:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

int main(void) 
  DIR *dp;
  struct dirent *ep;

  dp = opendir ("./");
  if (dp != NULL)
      while (ep = readdir (dp)) {
        printf("d_ino=%ld, ", (unsigned long) ep->d_ino);
        printf("d_name=%s.\n", ep->d_name);
      (void) closedir (dp);
    perror ("Couldn't open the directory");

  return 0;

That works. I now have the inode number, but the normal find -inum inode_num -exec rm '{}' \; doesn't work. I think I have to use the clri now.

Best Answer


find . -type f -exec rm {} \;

Have you tried deleting the parent directory?

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