Windows – Remove Windows 7’s limitation on number of concurrent tcp connections (http web requests)

networkingwindows 7

I have an application that tries to open as many http requests as possible (in order to stress test a proxy implementation)

It seems to me that Win7 (SP1) may have a limitation on number of concurrent opened connection (it may be the so called half-open state if I'm not wrong). Is there something I can do for client ? and also I test using a vista PC that acts as a proxy server.

It would be great if I could configure it to sustain at least 50 new connections initiated / second on client side and many more on server.

I made the modification according to this technet article by setting TcpNumConnections = 150 but it doesn't make a difference. I still only see about 20 tcp sockets associated with my http client by using tcpview.

Best Answer

To keep the TCP/IP stack from taking all resources on the computer, there are different parameters that control how many connections it can handle. If running applications that are constantly opening and closing connections (P2P), or are providing a service which many tries to connect to at the same time (Web-server like IIS), then one can improve the performance of these applications by changing the restriction limits.

There are parameters that limit the maximum number of connections that TCP may have open simultaneously.

To view complete instructions that on how to increase the number of simultaneous connections that you can have open at the same time, go to this website.