Windows – Remove the grey pins from Quick Access in Windows 10

iconsuser interfacewindows 10windows-explorer

How to remove the grey pin icons from Quick Access in File Explorer in Windows 10?

  • So that they are transparent or turned off.
  • Use of registry, hack or any means welcome, the simpler the better, prefer not to use a program if possible.
  • Means of reverting.
  • The only purpose is to decluter the user interface.
  • Windows 10 Pro Version 1803

How to remove the grey pin icons from Windows 10 Quick Access


  • The icon is located in: C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll
  • Similar SU post here for Quick Access icon change via registry
  • Following on from that, searched through the registry for imageres.dll,-5100

    Explorer Handler {70438d09-456a-4a6f-86fe-1c1a3afc699e}
    Icon %SystemRoot%\System32\imageres.dll,-5100
  • Have tried editing the icon location as Trusted Installer using PowerRun_x64.exe, to change it to a new transparent icon, such as with .reg file:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  • though no change occurred in file explorer.

PowerRun is a portable freeware to launch regedit.exe , Cmd.exe or other software with the same privileges as the TrustedInstaller / Nt Authority/ System.

Best Answer

The solution provided by @Under A Tree seems to not work in Windows 10 Version 20H2. Here is an alternative solution.

  1. Install ResourceHacker

  2. Take control of your C:\Windows\SystemResources\imageres.dll.mun file. This can be done by opening CMD then inputting these commands

    cd C:\Windows\SystemResources

    takeown /f "%cd%" /r /d y

    icacls "%cd%" /grant Everyone:(OI)(CI)F /t /q

  3. Make a copy of your C:\Windows\SystemResources\imageres.dll.mun file

  4. create or download a transparent icon

  5. open ResourceHacker and the C:\Windows\SystemResources\imageres.dll.mun file

  6. click on Click on Icon Group

  7. find 5100:1033

  8. Select the icon and click control + r

  9. Select the transparent icon

  10. Use control + s to save

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