Remove memtest from usb


A while ago I had some hardware issues with my desktop and used a USB stick to put a bootable memtest on it to do some diagnosis (at the time it was that one of the memory sticks was bad). Fast forward several weeks later however and now I'd like to find a way to get rid of memtest on my USB so that I may use it again for storing small documents and things of that nature.

Would anyone know how to restore a USB stick to its original state?

Best Answer

  1. Insert USB Disk.
  2. Launch the imageUSB program that you used to create the MemTest86 USB and select the appropriate USB Disk. (Be careful and select the correct drive!).
  3. Choose the Zero USB Disk option & Run.
  4. Drive MBR (Master Boot Record) is now Zeroed. You will need to reinsert the drive for Windows to recognize it and prompt for formatting before you can use it again. A normal format will now recover the full capacity of the USB drive.
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