Remove/Change specific Html tags NotePad++

find and replacehtmlnotepadregextags

i have found many similar posts, but non of them answers my question.
I would like to replace/remove/change open and close tag with a specific key word. in this case i am trying to remove all tags whit href="#" in it….

<a href="#">leave this text</a>
<a class="" id="" href="#">leave this text too</a>

<a href="http://......">Dont remove this tag!</a>

I have this code, but i cant figure out how to leave the text…

find: <a[^h]*href="#"[^>]*> (skip content) </a>
replace: (same content)
replace: <a href="somthing"> (same content) </a>

Best Answer

I am trying to remove all tags containing href="#"

  • Menu "Search" > "Replace" (or Ctrl + H)

  • Set "Find what" to <a .*?href="#">(.*?)</a>

  • Set "Replace with" to \1

  • Enable "Regular expression"

  • Click "Replace All"



<a href="#">leave this text</a>
<a class="" id="" href="#">leave this text too</a>
<a href="http://......">Dont remove this tag!</a>


leave this text
leave this text too
<a href="http://......">Dont remove this tag!</a>

As pointed out by AFH in a comment, there is a better regular expression that will catch expression that were not included in the sample data.

  • Set "Find what" to <a .*?href="#" .*?>(.*?)</a>

    This will match lines where there are clauses after the href="#" (and before the first matching >).


    It will fail to work correctly if there are any >s in the value field of a subsequent clause (before the > matching <a)

Further reading

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