Windows – Remove a user’s password using “net” command’

command linepasswordswindows

Is it possible to remove a user's password using the net command?

I tried "net user <name> *" and just hitting return twice, but this does not work as expected. Is there any other way to do this? (I'd gladly take non-net commands, as long as they are built-in in XP SP3).

Edit: Seems, I did not make my intention clear. I don't just want to change the password, but remove it completely (so that the user may log in without having to supply a password).

I'm familiar with the "net"-reference and have searched online for several hours, but could not find a hint on how to do this.

Best Answer

The command to set a password to blank is simply this:

net user username ""

Execute it in a Command Prompt (cmd) that is Run as Administrator.

Note: There's a nice vbs script that tests which account has a blank password here.

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