Windows – Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service has failed

viruswindows xpworm

My windows XP machine becomes very slow. And started to show message :

    This system is shutting down. Please save all 
work in progress and log off. Any unsaved 
changes will be lost. This shutdown was 
initiated by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. 

Time before shutdown: 00:00:XX Message: 
Windows must now restart because the 
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service 
terminated unexpectedly .

After one minute system reboots. Everything looks like I have worm Blaster. Except that fact that I can't find virus executables. Symantec Blaster removal tool don't find it also. I have installed ESET antivirus protection, but I have no any warnings from it. Repair thing makes more complicated that I must every minute run command shutdown -a to prevent computer restart and there in no possibility to stop Remote procedure Call service. This service is in Starting mode and no actions are enabled on it. What is the best way to solve this problem?


There are two more messages:

Exception EOleSysError in moduleSkype.exe at 001251c9
The rpc server is unavailable


Cannot install fax printer driver.

Probably you have not enough privileges.
Please reboot Windows and log on as Administrator
If error occurs again - reinstall SmarThru

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