Regex replace with textpad

find and replaceregextextpad

I need to update a dateformat in a large file I have in textpad.

the dateformat is currently mm-dd-yyyy and I need to make it mm/dd/yyyy

each line with a date starts with a D.

like this:

I have my regex search portion working fine ^D(.?)-(.?)-(.*?)?, but the replace is failing when trying to use $1 $2 $3 for my values D$1/$2/$3. It's replacing with the literal $1, $2, and $3. I have set textpad to use POSIX regex.

Any ideas how to capture the values and put them into my replace portion?

Best Answer

Please use \1 \2 \3 instead of $1 $2 $3

Find What: D([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)

Replace With: D\1/\2/\3





Regarding Grouping

Groups a tagged expression to use in replacement expressions. An RE can have up to 9 tagged expressions, numbered according to their order in the RE. The corresponding replacement expression is \x, for x in the range 1-9. Example: If ([a-z]+) ([a-z]+) matches "way wrong", \2 \1 would replace it with "wrong way".

PS:I have no idea why this is moved to here, I had to come here for the first time. :-)

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