FFmpeg – Reduce Video Frame Rate Without Dropping Useful Frames


I have a video from a security camera that was originally recorded at a low frame rate, maybe 15 fps, maybe 10 fps, maybe even less. It has since been converted by someone else to 25 fps (without changing the duration). I assume that extra, duplicate frames have been added, and possibly this has also slightly distorted the exact time at which the original frames are displayed.

I want to re-encode the video with ffmpeg to its original frame rate, without dropping any of the useful frames of actual motion. If I just use the fps filter it won't be selective about which frames it keeps, and I assume that due to rounding errors it could end up keeping some of the duplicate frames and permanently losing useful frames, making things worse. In any case, I don't know what number to tell the filter because I don't know exactly what the original frame rate was!

How can I proceed to repair this video with ffmpeg?

ffmpeg -i "orig.mp4" -an -vcodec h264 -vf "fps=???" "fixed.mp4"

Best Answer

I managed to fix my file. I found the mpdecimate filter, which drops duplicate or near duplicate frames from a video stream. First I tried:

ffmpeg -loglevel debug -i orig.mp4 -an -vf "mpdecimate" test.mp4

I added -loglevel debug to get more info during transcoding. The info showed what mpdecimate was doing with the frames, which was lots and lots of this pattern:

lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:44032 pts_time:3.44 drop_count:1
lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:44544 pts_time:3.48 drop_count:2
lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:45056 pts_time:3.52 drop_count:3
lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:45568 pts_time:3.56 drop_count:4
781>=hi keep pts:46080 pts_time:3.6 drop_count:-1
lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:46592 pts_time:3.64 drop_count:1
lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:47104 pts_time:3.68 drop_count:2
lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:47616 pts_time:3.72 drop_count:3
lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:48128 pts_time:3.76 drop_count:4
821>=hi keep pts:48640 pts_time:3.8 drop_count:-1
lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:49152 pts_time:3.84 drop_count:1
lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:49664 pts_time:3.88 drop_count:2
lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:50176 pts_time:3.92 drop_count:3
lo:0<217 lo:0<-2147483648 lo:0<-2147483648 drop pts:50688 pts_time:3.96 drop_count:4
793>=hi keep pts:51200 pts_time:4 drop_count:-1

I.e., it was consistently dropping 4 frames in a row as duplicates and keeping every 5th. This showed that the original frame rate was 1/5th of what it was now. I was lucky! Since the video's current 25 fps was a multiple of the original frame rate, there shouldn't be a problem with temporal misalignment of the kept and dropped frames. Therefore I retranscoded the original video with nothing more complex than -vf "fps=5", and the output seemed to be fine. Just to be sure, I piped the output through the mpdecimate filter, and it detected all remaining frames as a "keep". So the original file was not so messed up as I thought.

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