Linux Command-Line – Recursively Rename Files and Change Extensions

command linefile managementlinuxrename

How do I rename all files in a directory, recursively, changing one file extension to another, for thousands of files in thousands of subfolders? I see a lot of commands that do almost what I want, but not quite.

find . -name "*.andnav" -exec rename .andnav .tile {} \;
syntax error at (eval 1) line 1, near "."

rename -nv 's/\.andnav$/\.tile/i' *.andnav
0.png.andnav renamed as 0.png.tile

Best Answer

Figured it out

find . -name "*.andnav" -exec rename -v 's/\.andnav$/\.tile/i' {} \;
./0/0.png.andnav renamed as ./0/0.png.tile
./0/1.png.andnav renamed as ./0/1.png.tile
./1/0.png.andnav renamed as ./1/0.png.tile
./1/1.png.andnav renamed as ./1/1.png.tile

of course remove the -v when actually doing it, or it will waste time displaying all the files

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